“Damnit, we were doing so well!” Titsibell said, stamping her foot petulantly. “AAAAAUGH!” shouted Kyle in a mix of surprise and pain, the fairy’s tiny foot causing surprising pain to his exposed genitals. She flitted away with remarkable grace as he flinched, clutching the affected area protectively. She drummed her fingers impatiently as he pulled his boxers back up and composed himself. “How is it you always manage to pop in when I’m in the middle of getting off?” “Why is it your doing that always what sends my allergies into a tizzy?” “Fair enough.” Recovered, Kyle remembered himself, and smiled fondly at his supernatural neighbor. “Sorry about that. How have you been?” “Pretty good, really. Was dating a leprechaun for a while – didn’t work out, real gold digger – but otherwise, lots of stockpiling for the winter. Thanks for planting those berry bushes, by the way – great buffer for my sensitive nose, and mmmmmmmm delish! Ugh, I swear I’ve put on almost two thimbles in the past two months.” She patted her trim, bare waist with a frown. “Well I’m glad you liked them – least I could do.” “Actually, speaking of, that’s why I’m here – wonder if you could do me a solid.” “Sure, Titsy, anything.” “It’s two things, actually, though one’s just a bit of the allergies again. The bushes help, but still.” Kyle couldn’t suppress a grin, remembering the previous times he’d “helped” with that. “Happy to. I haven’t been as lonely lately, either – made some friends at work and all, getting out more. Just a dry spell.” “Hey, no excuses needed, my berry-blessed buddy.” She sniffled indelicately. “The other thing is actually way more serious. I actually have a rather serious surplus of pixie dust built up, and, as I’m sure you know, that can be hella dangerous. This whole area’s infested with brownie pirates.” Kyle blinked. “Like, sailors who steal baked goods…?” “What? No, brownies. You know, about so tall, bad dressers, not too bright? Brownies. Pirate brownies. They can smell the stuff for miles, and the more you get, the worse they come after you. My cousin Bootyblossom was literally staked out on an anthill by the little fuckers. We saved her, but… she was never the same.” “Wow. That’s… Yikes. So why don’t you just dump it in the sewer or something?” “Yeah, what harm could possibly come from dumping a super-charged magical substance in your town’s water supply?” she retorted with thick sarcasm. “So… how can I help? I don’t really know how to use it.” “I figured I’d just kill two bugs with one pebble – we’re gonna take good care of you, but this time, I want to go really wild with it. The works!” She clapped her hands giddily. “Last time wasn’t wild? You warped me into the middle of town, turned me invisible, kidnapped a girl and made her have sex with me. That’s pretty wild in my book.” The busty blonde fairy made a wry face. “Please, that was nothing. Hell, I only concealed you for a few minutes, and I just controlled her body – didn’t even dig into her head and have her turn into something really kinky.” “You… you can do that?” “Of course. Damn, what do they teach you kids in school these days?” She rolled her eyes. “So can you do me a solid, help me out?” “Please, sweetie, we’re helping each other. I’m happy to oblige.” Titsy gave him the evening to do some brain-storming, and came back in the morning, hopping onto Kyle’s leg and straddling it like it was a gigantic horse. “So whatcha got for me, doll? What gets ya hot?” Kyle grabbed his pad, and began going through suggestions. “Well, aside from you–” “Oh stop.” She giggled, flattered. “–I have a few things in mind, so you tell me what works for you.” “Number one: this girl Theresa in our accounting department.” “Bad idea – it’s only temporary, and she’ll probly fuck ya up good come Monday.” “Fair. Number two: threesome with twins.” “Hmm. Dosing identical humans actually winds up cheaper than non-related folks. The threesome, though – that’s not bad. What else?” “Three: cheerleaders.” “Come on, what is it with you humans and cheerleaders? Get creative!” Kyle sighed, glancing down at his list, which he was increasingly realizing was pretty pedestrian fantasies – an Asian masseuse, a ditzy blonde, a well-known actress, a dirty-talking hooker (but free)… Sure enough, Titsy shot them down one after another. “Come on!” she said in exasperation as he reached the end. “That’s the best you got?” “Well sorry! I didn’t know you were looking for a four-person paraplegic orgy in a moving bobsled.” “Ooooooh, that’s a good one!” “See? You know what kind of thing you’re looking for. Why don’t you just surprise me? Find me a girl – or a couple if you wanna try the threesome thing – and turn them into a couple of real hellcats.” “Hmmm,” she mused slyly. “Wait right here. I… I think I got something.” “Should I be scared?” She laughed, and with a sprinkle of dust, vanished. Kyle anxiously tried to pass the time by making a big breakfast, tidying up the house, imposing organization on his sock drawer. Fidgeting rather a lot. A few hours later, the doorbell rang. He saw no sign of Titsibell, so he went to the door. At first, he thought it must have been a prank – there was no one there. But then, he looked down and saw… a basket. In the basket were, of all things, two cats, one big and bushy, and the other a slender short-hair. Looking around, he saw no sign of whoever had delivered them. He picked up the basket by its handle and took it into his living room. Kyle set it on the couch, looking perplexedly at the cats. In a moment, they were both awake. The larger one woke up quickly, lumbering over into his lap and in an instant, purring like a diesel engine and pawing at him affectionately. It was followed only a moment later by the skinny one, who settled into his lap and nuzzled around happily as the big one climbed up onto his shoulders and began lapping at his cheek with its rough little tongue. “Pretty amazing, right?” Titsibell’s voice suddenly came from behind him. “Uh, yeah, they’re really cute,” he said, trying to keep up with their demands for affection. “Not what I expected, but still, very sweet.” “I’m glad you like! They’re good and ready for you, I made sure.” “Ready? What do you mean… ready….?” As the skinny one writhed around on his lap, the fairy hopped down beside them. “You know. To boink.” “To what?!” “You said ‘turn ‘em into hellcats,’ and I got to thinking. I figured you didn’t mean literal hellcats, because those things are crazy dangerous, what with the fire breath and all.” “What… You… I didn’t mean…” he sputtered, the cats’ affectionate nuzzling taking on horrifying new meaning. “I’m not going to fuck a cat!” “That’s surprisingly intolerant of you,” Titsy admonished. “I heard humans were finally getting cool about the whole interracial thing.” “Interracial isn’t the same as interspecies! Interracial is like, a black person and a white person.” She gaped. “You guys had a problem with that? Good grief you guys’re racist as hell!” “Well I didn’t – look, it doesn’t matter. I’m not doing that. That’s disgusting.” “What’s the big deal? I knocked boots with a troll once when I got wicked high on fog vapor. We’ve all done some pretty wild stuff we’re not prouf of. Besides, they’re still technically human.” “Wait, you mean to tell me you turned two humans into cats?” “Yep. They even think they’re cats – no mean trick, that.” “You have to turn them back!” “But… that’s not wild any more.” She pouted. The cats mewed plaintively as Kyle ceased petting them. “Well just start with their bodies, all right? I’m not… doing that, and I can’t keep people as my pets.” She snorted. “Fine,” she groused. She sprinkled each with a liberal dosing of pixie dust, and over the next few seconds, they turned back into women. Kyle stood back and stared in fascination as they changed. When the dust settled, they were two women – girls, more like, maybe twenty years old – and each mouth-wateringly, jaw-droppingly, astoundingly gorgeous. And naked as they’d been as cats. The bushier one turned into a sun-kissed brunette, her hair not-quite shoulder-length but still neatly styled in a fashionable wave. She was generously portioned, her enormous breasts hanging beneath her as she perched awkwardly on hands and knees on the top of the couch, looking around her with curiosity. The short-haired cat was now a wispy blonde with ivory skin. Lying on her back as she was, her tiny breasts hardly even flattened from gravity, the little pink nipples pointing upwards as her legs waved around. She was strikingly gorgeous, wide blue eyes in a face that belonged to a model. “Uh, hi,” their host said, trying to smile graciously. “I’m Kyle.” “Meow?” said the brunette. “Mew,” said the blonde. Both of the smiled brightly at him, then looked at themselves pensively, the blonde lifting herself to an upright position. They inspected their rear ends curiously, frowning even as they undulated their hips side to side. “Wow, Titsy, they’re really hot – good work.” “They’re not cats, though,” she pouted. “Would’ve been fun.” The girls crawled sensually down off the couch. The brunette stretched lazily as she approached Kyle while the blonde bashfully hid behind the coffee table and peered anxiously beneath it at his shins. “See, and here I was about to say they’re still a little too much cats. Maybe we could meet halfway?” She sighed. “The things I do for you – you’re damn lucky I love blackberries.” Another sprinkle. Little seemed to change at first, other than the addition of a couple decorations – each now wore a headband with cat ears and whiskers painted on their cheeks in black. Breaking the mold of the co-ed at a Halloween party, however, was the presence of tails – not real ones, but rather cloth-covered props, held in place with one of them planted firmly in each girl’s puckered rear entrance. “Cute,” he said. He was talking to Titsy, but it was the busty brunette who replied. “Thank you, master. I’m so glad you think I’m cute.” She sat down with her butt on her feet, leaning against Kyle’s leg and wrapping her enormous breasts around his knee. She rubbed them against him softly, humming in a way that he was sure was her version of purring. It sounded almost like a long, slow sigh of satisfaction. “You’re amazing. I’m Kyle – I said earlier, but… anyway, what’re your names?” At being addressed, the blonde hunched down lower. Still easily visible, but it seemed to put her at ease. She giggled. “Cats don’t name themselves. Their masters name them.” She rubbed her breasts slowly up and down. Kyle looked to Titsy. “Any help here?” “Yeah, ‘cause I stopped to find out their names before I turned them into cats.” Kyle sighed, and looked to where the blonde was hiding ineffectually behind the coffee table. “I assume you have nothing to say on the subject either.” “Who, me?” she said. Her high-pitched voice was almost a whisper, like she was afraid to be overheard by someone in the next room. “Fine, fine. Until we come up with something better, you’re Fluffy,” he said, looking to the girl at his feet, who preened excitedly at the moniker, “and you’re… Sapphire. For your eyes.” In spite of her intimidated state, he caught a pleased smile creep onto the girl’s visage. “Oh thank you master! What adorable names for silly little kitties like us! We love them!” Fluffy gushed enthusiastically. “What about you, Sapphire? Do you like your name?” Kyle knelt down, peering back at her from the space beneath the coffee table. She froze at the sudden attention, then hid her face under the skirt at the base of the sofa. Fluffy chuckled. “She’s just shy, master. I’ll coax her out.” “Or you and I could just… play.” The buxom cat-girl smiled delightedly at the prospect, but then shook her head. “Oh master, I’d feel just terrible leaving out my best friend! I’ll get her for you. Oh, sweetie, come on out and play! He’s our master now – it’s all right!” Fluffy crawled over to her friend, her wide hips wriggling, flicking her tail from side to side. Her pussy, easily visible as she crawled along, was visibly wet. Kyle thought he could smell the arousal coming from her – from both, maybe. She nuzzled at Sapphire’s white hips with her cheek, then began affectionately licking the same area. “Hey, nice job on the whisker makeup, Titsy – not smearing at all,” Kyle said aside as he watched cheerful Fluffy try to help her friend relax, making assurances that master loves his kitties and just wants to play with them. “Those are tattoos.” His mouth opened to retort, but… well, they could have that discussion later. Kyle sat on the floor to wait for the girls, having fun watching the affectionate display. With a few minutes of encouragement, Sapphire slowly emerged from her hiding place, letting Fluffy nudge her along to where Kyle was sitting, holding out a hand at arm’s length. He’d intended it for reassuring them by letting her sniff it, like one would an animal, but instead she pressed her pallid cheek into his palm, eyes closing in relaxed contentment at her master’s touch. “Mmmmm…” she purred. Fluffy crawled around behind him, breasts pressed into his back and fingers latching onto his shoulder, kneading softly. “She wants you to pet her, master. She’s shy, but she likes you.” A bit unsure, Kyle ran his fingers through her hair, which was like spun silk. Maybe the girl really was a model? Not that Titsy would’ve cared where she found her. Sapphire’s purring got even louder, and she let herself creep closer. He ran his hand down her neck, across her bare back, and as he got to the base, she thrust her tight little butt upwards, pressing it into his hand. He gave it a few strokes in that fashion, increasingly focusing on the ass itself, her purring turning into actual moans of delight. After a short time of this treatment – and he was nowhere near getting tired of squeezing her toned bottom – she rolled over onto her back in front of him, grinning shyly. Fluffy’s grip intensified and she began licking softly at his neck. “She’s presenting, master – she must really like you!” Sapphire nodded and spoke in a near-whisper. “Y-you can t-touch me… if you cunt to.” She blushed. “Sorry, cross between ‘care’ and ‘want.’ I’m so sorry. I’m not a bad kitty.” Kyle smiled at her bashful apology. “I’ll be the judge of that. You girls like your bellies rubbed, eh?” He took one of Sapphire’s petite breasts in his hand; the nipple was already rock hard, and she squirmed as he tugged at it. His hand began a journey across her bare stomach, and her belly squirmed as he drew nearer to her waist. Looking down, he saw that her pussy was so wet the moisture was trickling down her pale inner thighs. Bemusedly, Kyle teased around her crotch, brushing across her hips, her thighs, her little blond thicket of pubic hair, until finally little Sapphire sunk two hands of fingernails into his forearm and pulled his hand down to her pussy. As he slid one, then two fingers into her – she was so tight he wasn’t sure he could do three – she let out a high-pitched plaintive whine. “Fuck her, master! Look how ready she is for you! She’s in heat – she needs master’s cock,” Fluffy urged sweetly. “I am too – you can do me after, maybe? I’m so playful, I can hardly wait – but poor little Sapphire needs it so badly, and she’s too shy to ask again if you fuck me first.” “I didn’t hear her ask the first time,” Kyle said, sliding his fingers gently in and out of her steaming sex. Sapphire winced, then ran her hands along his arm sweetly. “No, she’s right – please fuck me, master. Pretty please?” She batted her eyes at him. “I, um, n-need it. So bad. I’ll be a good little p-pussy for you.” “Well, since you asked so nicely…” Kyle grinned, and withdrew his hand, holding it out to Fluffy. She squealed delightedly and lapped her friend’s juices off of it unabashedly. He fuzzed her hair and started taking off his own clothes. By the time he was done, Sapphire was already back up on her hands and knees, back arched so that her sweet butt was pointed right at him. Kyle gently took her tail – careful not to pull it loose from her ass – and lifted it out of his way, draping it over her hip, then put the tip of his already iron-hard cock at her entrance. “Oh please, master, please don’t stop there, please, please oh please fuck me, please, I need meeeeeeeeeeeeeow!” Her soft-voiced begging cut off into a high-pitched yowl of ecstasy as he slid into her. Her pussy was unbelievably tight, like it had been made exactly big enough to fit him and no bigger. Still, she was so wet he slid in and out with ease, and took a gentle rhythm with her. Sapphire’s hips rotated in a circular fashion rather than back and forth, like he expected, but he adjusted easily. Nearby, Fluffy watched with an expression that was equal parts envious and appreciative. Still on her hands and knees, she crawled back and forth, inspecting the coupling from all angles. Realizing her turn was coming soon, she began to clean herself to make ready – which is to say, she starting sucking sensually on her fingers, then pawed at her tits needily with the moistened digits. Soon, she skipped the fingers altogether and just hefted one nipple, then the other, directly to her mouth. Kyle smiled at her as he drilled her petite friend senseless. She had a hair trigger, and was trembling either in orgasm or post-orgasmic bliss nearly the whole time. When she wasn’t, she was whimpering and begging him in her tiny, tremulous voice not to stop. After Titsibell’s interruption to his activities the night before he was too keyed up to resist, and soon, he flooded Sapphire’s pussy with almost fifteen hours of pent-up sexual frustration, a near record for him. Her body stiffened, then her arms gave out and she collapsed with her face on the carpet as one last orgasm rocked through her, reducing her to a limp, quivering mess. Panting, he gave her narrow hips a few affectionate strokes; even barely conscious, her back arched in response to his touch. “Good girl,” he praised. “Th-thank you, master.” She sighed dreamily, then fell back into her mmm-purring. Before he knew what was happening, Fluffy pounced on him from the side, giggling triumphantly as she put her two front paws – err, her hands – on his chest, lifting a leg over him and straddling his waist. “Hello, master,” she said, grinning broadly. “My turn?” Kyle grinned up at the brunette – short as she was, she seemed much taller from down here. “Do I have a choice?” Sapphire and Fluffy both laughed. “You can always say no, master – but I’ll warn you, I can be rather incorrigible.” She wriggled her hips, and he could feel her tail tickling back and forth across his cock. “Well, I suppose you’re just too cute not to give a little treat to,” Kyle said, taking hold of her two bounteous breasts. With reflexes like, well, like a cat, her hands shot up and took hold of his wrists, clamping down and holding his hands in place. He was startled for only a moment, but then grinned and resumed fondling. He remembered his parents’ cat had done something similar whenever one put a hand on its belly, only it had had claws. (And didn’t have amazing tits.) (And was a real cat, unlike this woman, for fuck’s sake, he reminded himself.) His remembrances were interrupted as Fluffy shifted herself to slide her own pussy down over his not-yet-recovered member. “Sorry, just need a minute,” Kyle said, a bit embarrassed, as if having a thirty-second refractory period should be a given. “Mmm, take your time, master – I can always find ways to amuse myself,” Fluffy said reassuringly. Amusing herself, evidently, entailed more of holding his hands on her tits like she was terrified he might stop mauling them, while softly humping herself against his recuperating cock. Sapphire, meanwhile, crawled back up onto the couch, looking down at them with her big unblinking eyes, studying them. It wasn’t long at all before his pets had him ready to go again – in fact, as soon as she felt life returning to Kyle’s cock, Fluffy greedily impaled herself on it. Like her friend, she was so wet it required hardly any effort at all, sliding her cunt down to the base of him like a hot knife sinking into a block of butter. “Oh, master, mmmMMMmmm!” she moaned, rotating her hips in a circular fashion. She only rocked up and down slightly; it was difficult since she still hadn’t let Kyle release her tits, wobbling to and fro fetchingly. Even his hands, gripping them like handles, couldn’t restrain them completely. Fluffy received the benefit of his second wind stamina, and had the opportunity to try a variety of positions. After she seemed to tire of being on top – and once he could extract his hands, netting several long lines of red scratches as her nails still tried to hold him – he took her from behind, much as he had Sapphire. On impulse, he grasped the base of her tail and softly tugged it in and out, only a couple centimeters at a go at first, but slowly increasing it. At the sensation of being fucked in both her pussy and her ass, she howled like a woman possessed, clawing frantically at the ground and shrieking in pleasure as orgasm after orgasm cascaded through her, only seconds apart. He gave her a respite of a few seconds when, over-stimulated, she collapsed limply on the floor, then took her by her broad hips and carried her to the couch, planting her feet on the floor beside it and draping her over an armrest. She purred happily as he resumed fucking her. “Sapphire, sweetie? Be a good kitty and give me a little bath?” she asked her friend. Even as he thrust into her sweltering pussy, Sapphire timidly leaned down and started licking her friend with timid little cat-like licks. She started with the cheek, then the neck, then worked quickly down Fluffy’s back. “Y-you can p-pet me, if you wanna,” she offered softly as she kneaded Fluffy’s tanned skin, her tongue lapping at the jiggling buttocks of her friend as master continued his efforts. With a loving smile, Kyle put a hand on the back of Sapphire’s neck and massaged softly, partly to indulge her plea, partly to keep her in place because she looked so fucking hot licking Fluffy’s ass. So hot, in fact, that it finally pushed him over the edge. On a whim, he pulled out at the last minute and took his glistening rod in his own hand and pumped himself until he came – right onto Sapphire’s pretty face, some of it even landing right on her out-stretched tongue. She purred and lapped up the dribbles that had landed on Fluffy’s quivering butt. As Sapphire sat up, grinning proudly at her loving master, one ice-blue eye closed by a gob of semen on it, Fluffy perked herself up and sniffed, then sniffed closer and closer to her friend’s face. “Mmm, kitties love cream,” she cooed, then leaned in and began licking the blonde’s face clean, one dribble at a time. After watching her finish, Kyle slumped down between them. The girls curled up on either side of him, Sapphire lying on her back, clutching one of his hands to her pert little breasts, as Fluffy curled up under his other arm, nuzzling at his chest affectionately, pawing affectionately at his thigh. “Thank you, master,” she cooed. “Oh yes, that was wonderful, master. Your pussies are good and happy,” Sapphire echoed. “Was… was it good for you? I know I’m not as pretty as Fluffy.” She chewed her lower lip softly. “Nonsense, you’re gorgeous,” Kyle said sincerely. “C’mon, who’s my pretty kitty?” Sapphire’s pale skin reddened in flattered embarrassment. “I am.” “Let me hear you, dumpling. Now who’s my pretty kitty?” She giggled, her pretty face brightening with a shy smile. “I am.” “Me too?” her friend pressed somewhat cattily. “Of course, Fluffykins, you’re a very pretty girl too.” He tickled her under her chin; her eyes closed in sensual delight as she nuzzled his hand lovingly. “That was so wonderful,” she sighed. “I’ve never felt so satisfied.” “Good thing,” he said with a chuckle. “Not sure I have anything more in me after that last bout.” “What?” Titsy said suddenly. Kyle looked up to find her seated on the ceiling fan, her whole upper half spattered with fresh blueberry juice. “C’mon, I was looking to give them at least another dose or two.” “I wish I could,” he said apologetically. “The flesh is willing, but the spirit is soft and weak.” “We’re awful tired too, Miss Titsibell,” Sapphire said bashfully. Fluffy let out an agreeing yawn, her breath strongly smelling of Kyle’s jizz. “Sorry, kitten breath,” she apologized. “Why don’t you freshen that up? Both of you, there’s food in the kitchen, help yourselves. I, um, I don’t know what you eat – I don’t have any cat food,” thank God, he added mentally, “but there’s water, at least.” The girls giggled, giving him a simultaneous lick on either cheek. “Thank you master.” They hopped off the sofa, and as if to reassure his worries that he’d find them drinking out of bowls on the floor or fighting over a can of tuna from the pantry, they even walked upright for the first time since he’d met them. Their asses swayed hypnotically, full of feline grace, tails swishing back and forth as they sauntered down the hall. “Well this just won’t do at all,” the fairy pouted, fluttering down to stand next to Kyle on the couch. “The three of you, sitting there like there’s nothing left to be done. Hmmph. We’ll just have to whip up a little cocknip.” “A little…?” Kyle asked nervously. “Cocknip. Here, I’ll show you.” Before he could utter a word of protest, she tossed a tiny fistful of pixie dust right at his flaccid cock. “Titsy! Please tell me you meant catnip and not…” “Cocknip? Nope, that was definitely cocknip.” “Titsy, the point of cat nip is to drive cat’s crazy with interest. If this does to cocks what catnip does to cats…!” She laughed. “Ye of little faith. Cocknip is a little something my aunt worked up in the Dark Ages – old family recipe that I’ve made a couple personal tweaks on. Just trust me.” “All right, but… I’m going to be really upset if I go in to work on Monday and have to fend off every dude in the office.” Titsy laughed and rolled her eyes at his suspiciousness as she returned to her blueberry repast. A bit nervously, he got up and went off to the kitchen to make sure the girls were finding everything OK. He walked in to find them each sipping from their own bottle of water. Sapphire was kneeling on the floor beside the table, atop which Fluffy was perched, her feet and tail dangling down casually. “Heya, master,” she said. “Sapphire and I were just talking… about how… about…” Fluffy trailed off into incoherent mumbles. On the floor, the blonde perked up considerably, joining her friend in sniffing. She stood and stepped slowly towards him as Fluffy slid down to her hands and knees, sniffing along the floor. Both girls reached him at the same time. Fluffy, kneeling at his feet, followed her nostrils up his leg just as Sapphire buried her nose in his shoulder and started working down his chest. They found the source of the scent – which Kyle couldn’t even detect in the least – at the same moment. The look on their faces was so intense that he back-pedaled a few steps; Sapphire fell to her knees beside her friend, and the two eagerly padded after him. She rubbed her cheek lovingly against his upper thigh as Fluffy needily struck out with her tongue, taking a long slow lick across his balls. “Whoa there, girls, I thought we were all good and spent,” he said, squirming a little. They looked truly fixated; he was almost surprised they could hear him, they were so intent on whatever it was they smelled. Titsy’s cocknip, he supposed. “We were, but… that smell… you have to let us…” Fluffy began. “Oh yes, master, please, please let us stay close to you – we need to be near that heavenly odor. You can’t banish us now, please, master, please! We’ll do anything for it!” “You mean… the cocknip?” Sapphire moaned as if the word in her ears was chocolate on her tongue. “Oh, fuck yes,” Fluffy said, taking another lick. “Fuck yes, we need it. Please, master. Please let us have it – you have to let us taste it!” The two fell to pleading at his feet, groveling shamelessly for the privilege of tasting the cocknip; Fluffy was more insistent and aggressive, while Sapphire was more desperate and self-effacing. Kyle let them for a bit, soaking in the ego-boost of having two flawlessly hot women pleading on their knees at his feet for the opportunity to put their faces on his cock; he had the presence of mind to call out a thanks to Titsy in the next room. “All right, girls – you have to promise to be gentle kitties if I’m going to let you have a taste, all right? That means being good sharers, and playing nice with master’s cock. Do you understand?” The girls swore that they would be good, and he gingerly stepped toward them, placing his groin back in reach of their craning necks. At once, the two of them eagerly – but cautiously – leaned in, inhaling at length before sighing rapturously. Sapphire rubbed her smooth white cheek against his slowly hardening shaft as Fluffy nuzzled his balls with her nose. Both of them looked elated. “C-can I please cock your dick, master?” Sapphire blushed. “Sorry, I meant suck your dick. Please? I’ll be good. I’ll be your so good girl.” “No, master’s going to let me suck his cock!” Fluffy whined. “Please? Pretty pwitty pwease?” “You can both enjoy it – with your tongues, like good kitties. Understand?” They beamed at him, and soon, each had staked a claim on one side of his shaft and were busily slathering it with their tongues. Fluffy planted hers at his base and did one long slurp of her whole side; Sapphire demurely engaged in a series of ultra-swift licks up her side, like a flautist at work. The only break in their enthusiastic tongue-bath was to occasionally thank their master for the gift, or to express their delight at how delicious it was. When Kyle came, he aimed right across both of their tits, spraying a load heavier than anything he’d ever done before. Evidently, the cocknip was having an effect on him too – it was like a fully loaded squirt gun had been unloaded on them, blast after blast. The cocknip was in his cum, too. With a merry giggle, Fluffy threw Sapphire to the floor and bent over her, lapping greedily at the lines of cum painting her diminutive breasts. With Fluffy’s pendulous tits dangling down above her, Sapphire couldn’t resist the urge to first bat at them like they were big kitty toys, but then, the scent got to her and the girls lost themselves in hungrily sucking the cum off one another’s boobs. Kyle was hard again in an instant; in truth, he didn’t think he ever stopped being hard. Fluffy’s moist, glistening cunt was staring right at him as she bent to slurp away at Sapphire’s chest, and he was back in it in a heartbeat. She groaned as he penetrated her pussy, but it only increased the needfulness of her sucking as he jack-hammered into her. He didn’t even know what came over him – his cock just needed to fuck these girls. It was like his whole world was centered around his dick, and all his dick could perceive was these two girls ready and eager for him. They were his toys, his warm, wet places to stick his cock. So he did. He lost track of the girls’ moaning and pleading as he rutted; soon (or maybe not, he lost track of time as he pounded away at Fluffy’s sopping pussy) he was ready again, and this time flooded her insides with what felt like another gallon of his seed. As he pulled out, Sapphire was already on hand to clean him, embarrassed to be licking up her friend’s juices but much too enticed to balk at it. She lied down on her back beneath him and leaned up to lap up whatever she could. Kyle was ready to fuck her in seconds – so he did. He left her right where she was, nudged her thighs apart with his foot then slid back into her divinely tight pussy, sheathing himself fully in seconds. She yowled again in elation, over and over – making quite a racket, really. “Fluffy, be a good girl and share,” Kyle ordered tersely. Fluffy understood his meaning, and in a moment was straddling Sapphire’s beautiful face, those wide blue eyes closing in euphoria as Kyle’s cum was once more available to her mouth. She licked Fluffy’s pussy with an inhuman vigor; moaning, Fluffy fell to her hands and knees and worked her tongue at Kyle’s cock as it slid in and out of her friend, teasing Sapphire’s clit when he was all the way in and there was no cock available to her. When he came again some time later, he sat back and let the girls 69 each other clean. Like dutiful little cats, they were thorough and took the time to make sure they missed not a spot. Over and over, they murmured their gratitude to him into their friend’s pussy. He was just about to decide which one of them to fuck next, and how, when they simply disappeared before his eyes. One moment they were there, licking pussy with glassy eyes; the next, there was a shower of pink dust, and they were gone. “Aww, Titsy, I wasn’t done with ‘em!” he whined, then realized how ingrateful he sounded, and apologized. “Yeah, I worried about that – told ya, that cocknip is potent stuff. You guys were at it for almost five hours in here. Really gets you wired, don’t it?” He looked down to where his erection was still throbbing. “It sure does. Man. Who were those girls, actually? They were crazy hot. Did you hit up a modeling agency or something?’ “Nah, I just opened a magazine and picked ‘em out. I don’t read Humanese very well, but I saw the word ‘sex’ on the cover, and figured it’d do.” “Wait, what was the name of the magazine? Did it say who the girls were?” She shrugged. “I ‘unno. It only had last names anyway. Miss Febtober and Miss Julopolis? Something like that. Anyway, I just took the pictures, conjured the ladies in ‘em, made a few adjustments for funsies, bada boobs bada bling.” She sat straddling his hard-on, giggling as it bounced her up and down. “Holy…” Kyle winced. “You’re the best, Titsy. The absolute best. How about you – did you take care of your problem? Whittle down your stockpile?” “Some,” she said. “I hate to say it, but I may have to bug you again before too long. If that’s cool with you.” She sighed wearily, lying herself down along the length of him. “Ya know, I think it just might be.”