Hi! and thank you for downloading my 3D Asset, this document will contain information on how to use the model and license agreement information. Included in this download is: -Unity Asset File -Substance Painter Texture Files (Please Note that you might need the newest version of Substance Painter) -Exported Texture Files -FBX 3D Assets -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you need help with custom changes, custom retextures, or custom blendshapes feel free to reach out to me on twitter or telegram at @CodyWuff for comission information! License: -All rights are reserved for the creator -The assets are provided as is and without warranty. -In no event shall the author be liable for any claim, damages, or other liabilities arising from, out of or in connection with these assets. Rights -These assets can be modified, uploaded, and used for personal use. -Commissions can be sold to modify, reskin, or customize these assets for another person so long as both parties have purchased the assets (both the commissioner AND the commissionee). Restrictions -You may not share any assets, as is or modified, unless both parties have purchased the assets. -Do not reupload for public redistribution -Reselling of original or modfied versions of the asset is prohibited -Do not remove the artist's credit the CW Logo, can be relocated to fit your design or style -Do not use these assets for any purposes of hate, bigotry, or to cause harm. This includes but is not limited to, modification of these assets, or using the assets themselves in association with such purposes. Note: Violation of any of the Terms above may result in a Termination of access and use to the asset as well as a ban on furture asset purchaes. As well or up to monetary compensation due to damages of assets. Created by: Tyler Pavia (Cody Wuff) -----------------------Change Log (Recent)-------------------------- V0.1 - Universal blendshapes created - Presets added for the following: Canius ----------------------Set Up Help----------------------- -Import the Unity Asset into your character unity file -Drag The asset's .fbx file into Hierarchy list -Set Cords to 0,0,0 or the axis of your character if it is offset to allign to your avatar -Once the asset is ligned up to your avatar next you want to line up the clothes as close as possible to your avtar where you think it would sit. -If your rex is scale 1 it should auto fit when imported. If not then select all assets and scale them to match your avatar scale for the Rex. -Try to focus on the sleves. They should match up to your avatar going right before the wrist. For shorts focus on making the waist almost fit. and for the neck bow like the bell and bow up with the front of the neck. -Scale then move up and down or foward and backwards to match up your avatar. Be sure not to move left and right you as you want to keep the asset centered. -If your Avatar is not in a T pose go to your character rig and rotate the Shoulder slightly up and mostly the Arm bones to align avatar arms to T pose fitting within the sleeves of the hoodie as best as possible. -Once the Hoodie is properly aligned to the best of your ability double click on the asset in the scene window and navigate over to the BlendShapes section under the Inspector. -If you are using one of the below avatars then there is a preset to help you get started: --Canius -Find the matching Preset BlendShape and toggle it to 100% (1.0) If you do not have a preset avaliable skip this step. -This Should match the hoodie up very close to your avatar. Minor adjustments may be required try moving the hoodie around now if it needs to be matched up better. -For Minor Adjustments or If you do not have a preset available then use the BlendShapes labeled "Custom:" to morph the hoodie to your body shape. --Note: BlendShapes can be set to values higher then one or be negative by typing it in for more movement or an inverse movement --Note: You will want about a finger space around your body mesh. If the Hoodie is too close to the Avatar Mesh it may clip -Once Fitted continue with regular installation -Right-click your asset .fbx in the hierarchy and select "completely unpack this prefab" -Drag "OutfitMesh" to be a child of your avatar model -Drag "OutfitArmature" to be a child of the "Armature" in the avatar -Proceed to unpack the children of "OutfitArmature" to match each of the bones of your avatar e.g OutfitArmature to Armature, Outfit Hips to Hips, Outfit Left leg to Left Leg, Outfit Spine to Spine, and so on. --Note: that sometimes in other species the names may not be one to one. --Note: For the Underwear and Shorts please make sure to rotate OutfitTail1 bone on X axis to match the angle of your tail or there will be a gap! --Note: Some children have children of their own that has to be unpacked like Tail_Rt also has Tail1 under it. -In your Project Tab select the asset file and click "Textures" folder -Drag the Material from the file onto your hoodie in the Scene window you can swich the color maps to change the look. -Important Note! If you plan on using your own textures that is ok but make sure to still use the included Normal Map! A lot of the cloth detail is baked into that map, removing it may produce a strange look. -Note! Some assets have actions like "hoodie down" "no buldge" or "no bell" you can find these modifications under Blendshapes. -For continued help with setup please continue with instructions listed in READ ME.txt if needed. -Note! If you need help with anything in this process check out the tutorial video in the gumroad download to help with setup. ------------Finding Your Idle Animation File For Breathing Animation--------------- -If you know the location of your idle animation file skip to the next section. -Select your Rexouium model in either Hierarchy or in your Scene Window -Under the Inspector Tab open VRC Avatar Descriptor -Scroll down to "Playable Layers" -Double click the file in the FX section This will open your FX Controller file in the Animator Tab -Under the Layers Tab select the Idle Layer -Select the Orange box in the node graph that says idle -Under Inspector it will now show you what idle animation file you are using -In the Inspector under Motion double click your animation file -This will select your animation file in your Project Tab ---------------------Setting Up The Breathing Animation--------------------------- -Drag your Idle animation file onto your avatar under the Hierarchy (This will allow you to edit the animation file) -Open the Animation Tab, if you do not have this open select Window -> Animation -> Animation -Select "Curves" on the bottom tab of the animation window -Select Your avatar in the Hierarchy Tab -Scroll to the bottom of the animation properties under the Animation tab until you see "Add Property" -Click "Add Property" -> "OutfitMesh" -> "Skinned Mesh Renderer" -> "Blend Shape. Breathing" Then select the grey plus next to "Blend Shape. Breathing" -Select "Body : Skinned Mesh Renderer.Blend Shape.Breathing" in the Curves Tab -This will issolate only the animation curve for the belly breathing animation of your avatar. -CTRL + A inside curve editor window to select all curve points -CTRL + C to copy curve points -Select "OutfitMesh : Skinned Mesh Renderer.Blend Shape.Breathing" -Select first point of the flat line -CTRL + V to paste animation curve from breathing -Click Play button on top middle of screen to test if it is not clipping -If Clipping please match your avartar blend shape modification to the BlendShape under underwear. -- For example if you have the Blend shape Female set to .5 make sure its set to .5 in the underwear model too. - If no clipping Select Rexouium Model in Hierarchy and Under Inspector tab -> Animator select the Controller and delete it so it says none. -------------------------Setting Up Dynamic Bones------------------------------ -If you'd like the laces on your shorts to move around when you move you can add in dynamic bones on the laces -Under your character Armature follow this path: Armature -> Outfit Hips -> Lace Base -You should see the Lace Base bone we added earlier represented by a grey box with a plus -Open the Chest bone and select "Lace.L" -Under Inspector and click "Add Component" -> Dynamic Bone -> Dynamic Bone -This should add in a Dynamic Bone (Script) in your Inspector -Drag the "Lace.L" bone from Hierarchy to the empty box for "root", this will assign the bone to the script. -In your downloaded file there should be a file named "DynamicBoneScriptSettings.png" take a look at that to see my selected settings as an example. -Note: You do not need to follow those settings one to one feel free to mess around with the values. -Repeat for "Lace.R" ---------------------------Setting Up Toggles----------------------------------- Need help setting up a menu to show and hide your assets? Check out this video for help! https://youtu.be/TSO8cMqJHFw -----------------------Change Log-------------------------- V0.1 - Universal blendshapes created - Presets added for the following: Da'vali, Narodragon, Canius ----------------------------------------------------------- Created by: Tyler Pavia (Cody Wuff) License: -All rights are reserved for the creator -The assets are provided as is and without warranty. -In no event shall the author be liable for any claim, damages, or other liabilities arising from, out of or in connection with these assets. Rights -These assets can be modified, uploaded, and used for personal use. -Commissions can be sold to modify, reskin, or customize these assets for another person so long as both parties have purchased the assets (both the commissioner AND the commissionee). Restrictions -You may not share any assets, as is or modified, unless both parties have purchased the assets. -Do not reupload for public redistribution -Reselling of original or modfied versions of the asset is prohibited -Do not remove the artist's credit, can be relocated to fit your design or style -Do not use these assets for any purposes of hate, bigotry, or to cause harm. This includes but is not limited to, modification of these assets, or using the assets themselves in association with such purposes. Note: Violation of any of the Terms above may result in a Termination of access and use to the asset as well as a ban on furture asset purchaes