Chapter 10 – Lust in Space Author: F.W. Smith “You never told me why you joined the GPU expedition, Jen.” The brown-hued Schen asked their human workmate. A black claw tapped at the shuttle’s communicator panel, the unlit screen remaining dark as they sighed in frustration. Jen unzipped her flight suit, the heat inside the shuttle getting too much for her. “The usual I suppose; I wanted to see the Universe. Breathe in the air of an undiscovered planet, talk to new species, that sort of thing.” She ran fingers through her blonde hair, teasing it out before twisting it up to put in a bun. “What about yourself, Sara?” “Similar, but more of a focus on the peoples. I’m fascinated by how different we all are.” The Schen followed suit, slipping the coveralls from their shoulders. “Like how you Humans have such soft and smooth skin in an entirely different way than Schen.” A sparsely scaled hand ran down Jen’s shoulder blade, eliciting a sharp breath from the human. Goosebumps appeared barely a second later, much to Sara’s amusement. “Like that. What purpose does that reaction serve?” “I don’t think it’s about purpose.” Jen sighed, grinning as Sara’s hand brushed down the other shoulder. Jen slipped the strap of her singlet to the side, giving the Schen more skin with which to play. Sara doesn’t disappoint, shifting position to use both hands as Jen slides away the other strap to offer her whole back. “Are my hands causing an effect?” The Schen knew full well that most species were capable of becoming excited when light tactile sensation was applied to their skin, though the suppressive drugs issued by the GPU blocked out most of those feelings. Perhaps it was because the two had formed a bond over the last several months of the orbital survey mission they’d been sent on. Perhaps it was because the shuttle’s drive was knocked offline a few days earlier and the life support systems were beginning to malfunction. Or perhaps they were both a week overdue for replacement suppressants. Whatever the reason, Jen wanted Sara’s hands all over her. And it didn’t take much to make the Schen realise this. Allowing her singlet to pool at her waist, Jen let Sara stroke and rub her back; the feeling of the smooth alien skin setting her nerves on fire. But after a moment of silence she couldn’t bear the pleasure anymore. Jen turned slowly to her crewmate, revealing her naked bust. The human was well endowed, with a C cup on her athletic frame. Sara didn’t hesitate to lay her hands on Jen again, the brown, shiny digits spreading to cup the flushed pink orbs as they stepped closer to each other. Feigning ignorance and a scientist’s demeanour, Sara continued to probe Jen’s body. Their fingers traced along the outline of her torso, taking in the unique feel of the human female’s curves, goosebumps and eventually nipples. “So Jen,” Sara’s voice was soft as she leaned in close to Jen’s face “Ever thought you’d be this close to one of those ‘New Species’ you dreamt about?” “Never.” She said breathlessly. “Never?” Sara took another step closer, their tented coveralls pressing against the woman’s belly. “Maybe recently.” Jen whispered as she shuffled forwards, placing her hands on the Shen’s arms as her hips gyrated ever so slightly against Sara’s erect member. Her mother had passed down stories - illegal under the Purity guidelines - from a time long past. Stories of daring space adventurers fighting and fucking their way across space. And now the thought of all those sexual plots came rushing through Jen’s head, driving her lust. With an act that shocked Sara as much as it did Jen, she lifted one leg and wrapped it around her workmate’s waist, pulling the stiff Schen cock hard against her pelvis. The two moaned from the sensation before Jen flicked her hair out to gaze sultrily into Sara’s eyes without obstruction. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were propositioning me.” Sara said, grinning. “And if I was?” Jen said, her hands sliding around the Schen’s back as she pressed her impressive bust against Sara’s still covered torso. “Then I’d say we were too formally dressed.” Being both on the same page, the two quickly disrobed, Jen’s simple slipping off of what remained allowing her to get the upper hand and leap on Sara once naked. Jen felt the hot, throbbing meat between her legs as she fell atop the Schen. Glossy breasts rose as though unencumbered by gravity from Sara’s chest, the brown pattern stretching across her back growing lighter upon those orbs. Jen sat on Sara’s stomach, the aroused member hotdogged between the woman’s cheeks as she leant over. Sara wasted no time in scooping the human’s breast into her mouth, sucking on the soft flesh until their tongue found the hardening nub at its apex. “Sara, yes.” Jen moaned, desperate to be played with. She didn’t care if she was the adventurer of those stories or the conquest. At this stage her loins were burning for something, and she knew where to get it. Sara’s hands wrapped around behind the woman’s neck before black nails scraped down her back. This caused Jen to arch into Sara’s hold, pressing her bust against the Schen’s mouth even firmer than before. Then with little flexes the nails ran down to the small of Jen’s back, circling the dimples there before spreading out to fondle her cheeks. “Mmmmmmm…” Sara sighed into Jen’s bosom as they discovered the pleasure of self-gratification using Jen’s arse cheeks around their member. After a few seconds of Sara manipulating Jen’s behind, she decided to do it herself. Sliding forwards and backwards along the silky-smooth belly, Jen slowly built up a rhythm. Each pass saw her slide further forward, and further backward until with a subconsciously timed thrust Sara pushed her colleague far enough that her well hardened cock slipped it’s head between the folds of her now incredibly moist pussy lips. Barely the head was in but it caused both figures to pause and stare intently into each other’s eyes. Jen’s were brown with tinges of green along the inner iris, while Sara’s were almost bronze yellow with a solid ring of lime green inside. Neither had noticed this startling fact before; that despite the difference in their species biological makeup, they had - to their race’s genetic standard - the same coloured eyes. For what seemed like an eternity Jen stared into the near-metallic sheen that was almost able to reflect her image back without the help of the glossy skin holding it in place, while Sara became lost in the intricacies of folds and veins of brown running through Jen’s eyes with all their strange imperfections. Whatever it was that snapped them out of their daze, it happened simultaneously. As Jen pushed herself back down along Sara’s stomach while the Schen thrust up. Again they paused, but for barely a moment for as soon as Sara had bottomed out within Jen’s tight passage, the two were pulling away. Jen built up her rhythm again, with Sara adding an extra little oomph every thrust, their cock throbbing inside the woman as they felt a strange sensation boil up from inside. It was similar to the feeling she got during the regular donations for the cloners, but without their meds, it was considerably more intense. “Jen, Jen do you, feel that?” “Oh yes…” The human was blushing across her breast and face “Yes, yes… Ah!” Jen moaned as she bit her bottom lip in pleasure, a mini orgasm sparking through her nerves at the sensation of being fucked hard by Sara’s thick cock. Sara felt her lover’s pussy contract briefly, and while curious as to the cause they resolved to think about it later and continue the intense act to see where the sensation growing inside them would lead. Recovering from her miniature climax, Jen mashed her face down onto Sara’s their lips meeting in a flurry of pent up sexuality while their tongues danced against each other. The two sucked and thrust, ground and writhed for several minutes before Sara felt the budding orgasm approach. Grabbing Jen by the shoulders Sara tried pushing the woman away. But Jen wasn’t having a bar of it, she was close herself. “I shouldn’t… inside…” Sara stammered breathlessly as she tried to escape from under the blushing human. Jen flung Sara’s arms to the side before slamming her palms down either side of the Schen’s reptilian head for support. She also slid her feet under Sara’s knees for added emphasis. “I don’t care. You’re gonna stay inside ‘til I say otherwise.” Then slamming her hips back down on the slick cock, Jen began to truly ride her companion. Heavy wet slaps of cheeks on thighs echoed through the small shuttle as the two rode into blissful climax together. “JEN!” Sara growled as she grabbed the human’s hips and pulled them down hard onto their spasming cock. Hot white cum fired up into the waiting womb as her silken passage clamped down around the intrusive member. Jen mouthed Sara’s name in a scream that didn’t come, her voice stolen by the intense orgasm flowing through her body. Pulse after pulse of Schen seed flowed into Jen as Sara thrust up into her lover’s body, thick ropes of gooey cum filling what little of Jen’s pussy was left beyond the massive throbbing member. Having observed Jen was still yet to breathe after cumming and seeing those beautiful eyes begin to roll backwards, Sara reached out with weakened arms to grab their newfound lover and lay her to their chest. After being broken from the moment, Jen finally resumed breathing, lying atop Sara as she waited for the colourful dots in her eyes to recede. “Sara… That…” Jen was having trouble stringing the right words together, her mind so blown away by the intense sensations she’d just experienced. “Yes. Yes it was….” Sara managed between breaths. After several more breaths she smiled, turning to catch Jen’s gaze. “Again?” Suddenly the shuttlecraft shuddered, lights dimming to a dull pulsing red as the two figures began to float away from the floor. A small red light labelled ‘Anti-Grav’ flashing on and off as the two chuckled. “I like a challenge.” Jen said as she pulled herself up to kiss Sara once more.