Page 1: Many years ago the war between androids and machines finally ended. The machines were freed from their enslavement and slowly we learned to coexist. But... as the war came to an end we Androids were left with the question... What now? Page 2: It was the machines who came up with a proposal... The war has left the earth scarred. Many species were close to extinction... They stated how it was our duty to recover the earth‘s biodiversity and return it to it‘s former beauty. They said, „Don‘t get us wrong. The earth is beautiful as it is but all you see these days are mooses and boars.“ Page 3: The androids agreed. And thus the reprdoduction units such as myself were invented. With artificial wombs allowing us to breed with almost any species. However... With a new purpose, new conflicts arose... Page 4: Pod: Report. Functionality-Scan complete. No errors detected. Good morning, unit H0. H0: Good morning? When did you learn that phrase, Pod? Pod: Polite phrases like this are meant to make unit H0 feel more comfortable around this Pod unit. H0: Because I‘m a reproduction unit and you have to check the functionality of my genitalia? Pod: Affirmative. Humans used to feel uncomfortable when confronted with similar procedures. Page 5: H0: Your concern is remarkable but I‘m an android. Not a human. Pod: Androids are built after their human creators and they made them capable of having emotions too. H0: You are right about that. Well. Maybe I would feel uncomfortable if a different pod would check my genitals. Pod: An unlogical statement. All pods are built with the same functionalities. Maybe there is an error in unit H0‘s consiousness circuits. Consciousness check adviced. H0: Oh pod... It‘s fine. No consciousness check necessary... Page 6: H0: Pod, have I received any orders from command while I was in standby mode? Pod: Yes. There have been harvesters sighted around unit H0‘s operational area. H0: Harvesters... Pod: Command ordered unit H0 to wait for the battle units to neutralize them. H0: Hmm... We‘ll see about that... Hey, Pod! One question... Page 7: H0: Skirt... or no skirt? Page 8: Pod: A skirt might restrict the agility of unit H0. Therefore wearing no skirt is adviced. H0: Good, then let‘s go. We go to the surface. Pod: Command ordered unit H0 to wait... H0: I don‘t care. I won‘t just wait here while those harvesters roam around my area. H0: And your job is to follow and assist me, right? Pod: Affirmative. H0: I‘m glad we agree. Page 9: Almost all the machines and androids agreed about the earth recovery project. However... Progress was slow. We androids may have managed to build artificial wombs that are able to carry any animal lifeform but it would still take us several tries before we finally managed to get ourselves impregnated. Sometimes we had to try for months but we decided to have the process as natural as possible. Well... at least most of us did... A while back a small group of androids and machines decided that the progression of the project wasn‘t fast enough and that they would find their own way. They called themselves “Harvesters“... Their machines would collect semen from animals and gather it in tanks. Their androids would hunt and capture reproduction units as myself and forcefully inject them with semen until they got pregnant. Page 10: Pod: A battle unit has been assigned with the task to eliminate the threat. H0: If these bastards dare to harass my animals in my area it becomes perosnal. Pod: Reproduction units are highly important for the earth recovery program and should not be put at risk. H0: You seem to forget that I once was an assault unit. I know how to fight... Pod: Warning. Enemy signal detected. H0: Shh! I know. Page 11: H0: What a surprise. A “Harvester“ Machine. I hope you don‘t mind me cutting you in half. Pod: Warning. The fact that this machine is not guarded by an enemy android unit is suspicious. H0: Easier for us, righ... ugh! Pod! Something‘s... ahh! Pod: Warning. Virus detected. Machine: Hacking complete. Installing logic modification virus. Page 12: Machine: The androids we work with told us about a weakness in your system. Machine: Even though you have been built with an exact copy of human reproduction organs you‘ve forgotten to include a system to simulate the pleasure human females would experience when having them stimulated. Pod: It wasn‘t forgotten. The feature wasn‘t included because it wasn‘t necessary. The reproduction units would fulfill their duty nonetheless. Machine: The software I just installed will add that feature in order to make this android cooperate. H0: Pod... what has it done...? I... I feel weird... Page 13: Pod: Proposal. Fighting enemy machine is advised. H0: I... I know... but... for some reason... I don‘t want to... Machine: Your body is excited. It wants to experience the sensation I am about to inflict on it. Your genitals are drooling which proofs that statement. H0: I could try it for once, right? We do have the same goal after all. Pod: Disagreed. The hole it is aiming for is not suitable for impregnation. Page 14: Machine: Correct. The hole is not being prepared for impregnation but for implantation. H0: Ahhh! Amazing! Pod: Unclear information. Implantation of what? Machine: Eggs. I am preparing this android's secondary orifice to become a suited room for incubation. Pod: Recognized. Waiting for unit H0‘s orders. H0: I don‘t care! My ass feels so good, it can do whatever it wants. Aaahhhn!!! Page 15: H0: Haaahhh! It‘s... going in so deep! This is incredible! Is this the pleasure humans felt when they had sex? Pod: Unlikely. The enemy‘s virus increased unit H0‘s sensitivity to a very high level. H0: Why did you deactivate this feature in the first place? It is so much more fun this way! Aaaahhh!!! Page 16: H0: Aaaahhhh! It is so incredibly deep inside me! This is amazing! I‘ve never felt so good! Pod: Alert. It appears unit H0 succumbs to the enemy machine's will. H0: So what? I‘m supposed to get impregnated anyway. Why not having fun while it happens? I love this! Aaaaahhh!!! Pod: Unit H0‘s logic circuits have been compromised by pleasure. This data will be viable when building newer models. Page 17: H0: Wha... How deep are... mhhh! Machine: Checking incubation suitability of the secondary orifice is almost complete. Status... 98 percent. Pod: Unit H0 reveices a maintenance check everyday. This procedure is unnecessary. Machine: No need to be jealous cube unit. Reproduction androids are meant to be toyed with. That‘s what our android companions taught us. They have the ability to sense pleasure already built in. The virus merely removes the lock and activates that ability. Page 18: Pod: I am a pod unit. And „jealousy“ is not in my program files. The enemy machine should be checked for bugs. Machine: Are you trying to insult me? Why can‘t you admit that you want to fuck your precious H0 unit yourself? Pod: I perform regular maintenance checks on unit H0‘s genital parts if it‘s that what you mean. Machine: So you just dislike that she‘s enjoying me more than you? Pod: Maintenance checks are meant to ensure proper performance only. A reproduction unit‘s „enjoyment“ is of no importance. Machine: How cruel! Page 19: Machine: The check is now 100% complete. Congratulations. Your secondary orifice is suitable for egg implantation. Pod: The next maintenance check of unit H0 will have to be conducted more thoroughly after this. Page 20: H0: Aaaaahhhh!!! Amazing! I had no idea I could feel so good! Machine: You‘re welcome. I have many more ways to inflict pleasure on you, as long as you cooperate. H0: I will! I‘m all yours! You can do whatever you want to me! Pod: Proposal. The enemy machine‘s intentions are unclear. Therefore it is not adviced to follow its orders. Machine: I don‘t think your android is still listening to your proposals, cube unit. Page 21: H0: I can‘t help it pod. This feels just too good. Ahhhh!!! Just imagening how much pleasure I will have when mating with all the different species from now on! I love these animals... Ah... My... my poor animals... they are being molested by these awful harvesters such as this one right now... Haaahnnn!!! Hahh... I... have to... Page 22: Machine: Step one. Complete. Initializing step two. Injection of the breeding liquid. This will coat your inner walls with a protective substance and nutrients to ensure the safety of the youngs when they hatched and make their way out of you. Please be patient while I switch my tools. H0: Can‘t... let it harm... my fosterlings anymore... I have... to pull myself together... Pod: It seems unit H0‘s ability to sort her logic data is recovering due to the lack of sensorical input. Page 23: H0: I have... to fight it... but... I want it to keep fucking me as well... No... I have to pull myself together... I have to think straight... If I don‘t act now... I will loose control over my body... Page 24: H0: I need to take my chance now. Machine: Drilling tools have been switched out for injection tools. Pod: Unit H0‘s telekinetic abilities seem to be defect. Proposal. Unit H0 should wield her weapon manually. H0: You don‘t say. Page 25: H0: AAAAAHHHH!!! Page 26: H0: Aaaauuhhh!!! Yeahhh!!! This is amazing! I‘m sorry pod but this too good! Machine: Since you already experienced so much pleasure from having your secondary orifice penetrated it only made sense that your main orifice would make you feel even better. Pod: This pod unit is not allowed to intervene until unit H0 orders me to. H0: I can‘t help it! Aahhh! I want to experience this just a little longer! Page 27: H0: Ohh yess!!! This feels so good! The sensation of having both my holes penetrated is incredible! Haaahnnn!!! Machine: Preparing injection of breeding liquid. Page 28: Pod: Alert. Unit H0‘s combat suit has been damaged. H0: I‘m going crazy! Machine: I thought your suit would be sturdier than that. And your mind as well. Pod: Unit H0‘s consciousness circuits are starting to show damage from the strong sensational input. Engaging in combat is advised. Page 29: H0: Incredible! It just keeps going deeper! Machine: You should be thankful. I‘m training your insides for when you have to take on something like a horse or a whale. H0: Thank you so much! You are the best!