[CHANGELOG] * Implemented the 1st custom character in the game! -> A plant girl who fits nicelly in the forest theme. She is somewhat young for her species and because of that she has a lot of attitude. -> The ero scene is based on the vore fetish. It ended up with 69 frames of animation in total and is the longest pixel animation I've ever did! * Created the 1st boss battle. -> This needed a lot of work under the hood. But now I can manage the boss main behavior, which skills they use and in which order, an enraged state when their life reaches 50%, and what flags/events they trigger upon death. * Created the event system framework. -> This is mostly stuff under the hood too, but it basically means that now I can create invisible event areas; When the player touches one of those it triggers a series of commands. I'm using those to create cutscenes and triggers boss battles and other flags and events in the game. * Designed 2nd half of the forest stage and the boss arena. -> These stages will be updated in the future with new passageways that will connect to different stages. -> There will also be new enemies populating the stages (every stage will have 3 different common enemies). -> For now there isn't much in terms of incentive for the player to explore all the corners/routes of a stage. When items/power-ups/secrets begin to be added to the game, I will sprinkle these items around to reward player exploration. [FIXES/IMPROVMENTS] Minor undocumented fixes/changes. Removed bulge.