I would like to point out some edits/changes I made, so that you fully understand what my intentions were. First of all, I took this footage from Harmy's Star Wars Despecialized Editions, which came with a hotly contested deleted scene, which involved Vader calling out to Luke, it is contested so because the original video is terribly low quality, but despite this some fan editors leave it in as it is a good scene, and it adds to Luke's rescue plan. I removed this scene as the drop in quality is too jarring, and the original movie was able to get away with this remaining a deleted scene, and so in my edit it will remain as such. Thankfully, I did not need to re-edit much for a long, long time. The next series of edits/reorganizing I did was with the Speeder Bike chase on Endor, as, in my opinion, it is a little too long and uses a lot of extremely dated visual effects, I cut shots that were unnecessary so that the chase was overall shorter, additionally I removed the strange spin the final bike does when Luke chops it. I also reorganized some shots to look more natural, as sometimes the storm troopers do not act like they are being attacked while travelling at extremely fast speeds, and so I hope the changes I made their reactions seem a little bit more plausible, either they react to obstacles faster and take precautions as to escape their pursuers. At this point in the movie, I began to remove as many shots of Ewoks as I could, this was because after the speeder bike chase, but before their battle, they mostly simply stand around and make strange noises, to which I feel is unneeded, so I cut as many out of the movie as I could so that we could get to the Luke/Vader plot faster or the assault on the shield generator. Adding onto my Ewok changes, I continued to remove a number of shots and scenes of them following their surprise attack, this is because of the commonly held complaint, a complaint which I also hold, that these small cute animals should not be able to defeat the 'Empire's Finest', I could believe a random troop but not a group which the Emperor himself praises as his best, and so I left in just enough footage to make it believable that they managed to get the drop on the storm troopers, but began to cut out more of their victories so that the tension is still there and that the narrative turns from a fair fight to a good surprise attack which quickly turned into the Empire's favor. As a final few edits I made, I removed segments of the movie which left Han as a strange abrasive comedic relief character, causing unneeded stress and grief for Leia, this was likely due to the love triangle that was at play in A New Hope but was eventually dropped in Empire Strikes Back, so it is strange to see it crop back up here. I removed as much random comedy that Han was given, allowing him to maintain his cool criminal persona a little better. I also did my best to remove his strange bickering with Leia, so now the two operate as a loving couple instead of Han not knowing that he is competing against Leia's brother for her affection. Now, the movie does not have Han thinking that Leia will fall for Luke, especially now with everything the audience knows about Leia and Luke's relation post Empire Strikes Back. I also added the ending from the 2011 Special Editions, this is because the ending is much grander and, if you like it or not, Star Wars is much larger than 3 movies now and so the end of the empire should be given more grandeur. However, I did edit around the 2011 special editon ending and the original ending, specifically with the Anakin's force ghost, this is because I, and many people, believe Hayden Christian's appearance at the end of a trilogy without him is very strange, especially when we get to see Vader without his helmet no more than ten minutes ago, so now Luke has been returned to be staring out at Obi Wan, Yoda, and Sebastian Shaw as Anakin, a much more fitting appearance for a father figure for Luke.