<<1Page>> Blue. the Ambulance car is here to pick you up. Once you have new casts you can return to school within a week. isn t that great? We have Pink, red blue and white. Which color would You like? Nina's story does not add up. Why wasn t she suspicious about the meeting? wouldn`t Amber visit her, knowing her leg is broken? Yeah! I can t wait. Right, Nina? Moron. that will be hell. Everybody will be staring at us. Bad enough sitting in a wheelchair. But two of us at the same time. the whole school will gossip about it for at least a week . . . Amber will certainly choose pink. or Maybe Red it s her team color. Perhaps even white, boring as she is. So I can pick blue again. Nina was scared of something. . . The perpetrator? Is he intimidating her? Don`t girls normally meet after school at family restaurants, fast food chains or cafes? And why meet so late at school ? Today they are Scheduled for a checkup. I may have nailed the motive vaguely. there is still a lot missing.